GlyEngine 0.0.19
Create games and apps with lua
No Matches

build native games and apps on each platform More...


 roms for videogames
 port from scratch
 build terminal based games

Detailed Description

Building from Cmake

The engine has separate repositories to provide dedicated portability for each platform, you can find it as core native.

They all use CMakeLists.txt to make it easier to find the correct compilers, dependencies, and form a build recipe.

git clone <source code>
cmake -Bbuild -H. -DGAME=path/to/your/game.lua
make -C build
cmake options
  • -DGAME=
    • ""
      no vendorized game
    • "path/to/your/game.lua"
      bundler the game with binary
    • "@pong"
      use example of gly engine game
    • "@template"
      use tool-template-fill to export a binary that can have the game added later without recompiling.
    • "@love"
      Reimplementation of Love2D by gamely.
    • "@lite"
      reduced version of the engine to promote performance on limited devices and with small screens where certain features are not needed.
      (removed: std.node std.bus std.ui)
    • "@native"
      complete engine