GlyEngine 0.0.19
Create games and apps with lua
No Matches
Backus–Naur Form
command name parameters sizes in bytes
0 hello 0
1 hdmi cec command 4..20
2 press menu key 0
3 gamepad update z,x,c,v,w,a,s,d 8
44 set img index index,type,w,h 4 or 8
45 update image image 0..254000
46 set text index index 4
47 update text text 0..254000
48 draw mode m1, m2, s1, s2 4
49 draw color r, g, b, a 4
50 draw rect x, y, w, h 4, 8 or 16
51 draw line x1, y1, x2, y2 4, 8 or 16
52 draw text x, y, id, size 4
52 draw image x, y, id 4
64..127 custom 0..254000
Image Types